Care Insurance
  • calendar_monthPublished on 23 Jun, 2022

    autorenewUpdated on 27 Dec, 2022

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The need of the hour is not standard health insurance–but a health cover with optimum financial security. Given the rising medical inflation, a standard health cover may not be sufficient to cover your entire family against unexpected health emergencies. A week-long hospital visit or a critical illness treatment can easily drain the regular insurance cover while pinching your savings. That’s when super top-up health insurance comes into the picture, which acts as a backup to your regular health insurance cover.

The best part of buying a super top-up is that it prepares you for expensive medical emergencies. A super top-up jumps in once your standard health policy's sum insured limit is exhausted. Let’s learn more about how a super top-up health plan benefits you and the entire family in the long run. 

Benefits of Enhancing Your Health Cover with a Super Top-up Policy

Here are the benefits of enhancing your existing health cover with a Super Top-up policy:

1) One Plan to Secure the Entire Family

Whether you have a nuclear family or a joint household, you need ample funds to meet everyone’s healthcare needs and expenses. Every family member needs equal and better financial security. That's why a super top-up health plan with added financial coverage proves beneficial for the ever-increasing healthcare needs of a family. 

A single super top-up policy can serve all your immediate family members, including your spouse, children, and parents. Also, the plan takes care of the specific and everyday healthcare needs of every member individually 

2) Flexible Choice of Policy Deductibles

A super top-up plan comes to play once you pay a fixed amount of deductible. The higher the deductible you pay, the lower premium you enjoy for the selected coverage. Yet, some insurers may not offer you the liberty to choose a convenient deductible amount. 

For better flexibility, Care Health Insurance enables you to customize the super top-up plan with flexible deductible options between 1 to 10 lakhs. This way, you can manage your health insurance fund to suit your family budget while securing complete benefits without any delays. 

3) Annual Health Check-up Regardless of Claim History

The facility to get routine health check-ups is a major deciding factor for customers when it comes to buying health insurance. A super top-up plan caters to this need by offering free health check-ups, no matter if you file a claim or not in a given policy year. This way, you can keep track of your health conditions every year without delay. 

With Care health Insurance, you can avail of the annual health check-up under our super top-up plan by simply reaching our call center. We offer health check-ups for all the adult insured members, helping you identify health issues well in time. 

4) Discounts on Multi-year Policy

When buying a health cover for your family, you would always look for life-long security with some additional savings. That’s where a super top-up plan deems fit. With a life-long renewability option, Care Health Insurance offers special discounts on a 2-year and 3-year top-up policy. This way, you can secure your entire family’s health while saving you more on premium amounts than separate policies.

5) Global Coverage for Select Medical Procedures

True to its name, a super top-up health plan gives you the extra cushion, especially amid challenging times. One such life-threatening condition is facing a medical emergency in a foreign land that can leave you helpless and under huge financial debt. On the other hand, some medical conditions may find you looking for advanced medical treatment available only outside India. That’s when a super top-up covers you for selective medical procedures overseas. 

With comprehensive coverage, a super top-up plan helps reimburses medical claims up to a specified amount for special medical procedures, like cancer, benign brain tumors, major organ transplants, heart valve transplants, and others. Care Health Insurance offers the global coverage feature for these major ailments as per policy terms.

Super Top-up Cover by Care Health Insurance

Amid the skyrocketing prices of medical treatment across India, it is essential to double up your emergency fund with each passing year. Care Health Insurance fulfills this necessity by offering ‘Enhance– Super Top-up Health Insurance Plan.’ The policy works on the principles of deductible and provides wide coverage, including cashless treatment facility, lifelong renewability, up to 55 lakhs sum insured options, and flexible deductible, among others. So, level up your healthcare security with one of the best super top-up plans by Care Health Insurance. 

>> Also Read 5 Reasons to buy Health Insurance

Disclaimer: Please read the policy brochure and prospectus to verify the insurance coverage and benefits. 

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