Awareness Days

This section is exclusively curated for the days that are dedicated to health and aims to spread awareness among masses. Explore the informative articles to expand your knowledge regarding the most important days.


World ORS Day 2024: Create Awareness about the Magic Mixture

Every year on July 29th, the world comes together to celebrate World Ors Day highlighting the importance of a humble drink: Oral R...

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National Parents and World Grand Parents Day: A Tribute to Our Life Gurus

Parents and grandparents are the roots of a family. From the time, a child is born, he depends on his parents for love, protection...

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National Disability Independence Day: Let’s Encourage Equality, Inclusion & Diversity

As of 2022, around 2.2% of the Indian population suffer from physical or intellectual disability. Therefore, various voluntary gro...

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Holistic Therapy Day: Your Path to Complete Well-being

Amid the chaos of today’s fast-paced world, self-care has become challenging. But on this 26th of July, let’s embrace...

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World Embryologist Day 2024: Celebrating the Miracle Workers of Reproductive Medicine

World Embryologist Day, also known as World IVF Day, is observed globally every year on July 25th to honour embryologists' contrib...

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