Care Insurance

Why Should You Consider Family Medical History Before Choosing Health Insurance Plans?

  • calendar_monthPublished on 21 Oct, 2020

    autorenewUpdated on 7 Feb, 2024

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    nest_clock_farsight_analog3 min Read

A well-balanced diet, exercises, and timely health check-ups are essential to stay healthy and prevent ailments. There is another point you might have missed; it is your family medical history. It determines your risks of developing certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, cancer, and heart disease, if they run in the family. Understanding the medical history of your family is one of the initial steps to ensuring a healthy life.

Unhealthy lifestyle habits that most of us have become prone to increase the risks of health problems further. Medical treatment can be expensive, thus, highlighting the need for health insurance plans. The premium one pays for a health policy is determined by several factors, including your family medical history. So, it is also essential to clearly understand the significance of family health history in choosing a health insurance policy.

Here is a guide on how to buy health insurance plan by knowing your family's medical history. 

Importance of Knowing Family Medical History

Family and close relatives are exposed to the same environment and lifestyle conditions and have many things in common – looks, habits, and, more importantly, the genes. A person is likely to be at a higher risk of developing a chronic ailment if a close family member also suffers from that ailment. Realising this fact, making suitable lifestyle changes, and taking proper health care becomes the first step to prevent diseases. For instance, if there is a risk of cancer, timely screening can help detect a problem at an early stage, thus avoiding any complication.

Consider Family Medical History when Opting for Health Insurance

Health insurance is a saviour in the times we live in, as healthcare costs in India are rising steadily. It provides crucial financial support when there are unexpected hospital bills and eliminates the need to spend a lot of money from savings. Consider various tips to buy health insurance for your family. One of them is assessing present health conditions, health care needs, and possible health risks or family medical history, which will help determine the coverage amount.

Knowing the family health history also enables one to decide the right health insurance plan. For instance, if there is a risk of cancer, one can consider opting for a cancer insurance plan that will provide coverage for the expensive treatments involved. It is a step in the right direction as the policy will provide a financial cushion in the hour of need.

Health insurers take into account several factors while deciding the premium amount. The factors affecting health insurance premium costs also include lifestyle, health conditions, and family medical history. Certain medical conditions can develop due to hereditary factors. It helps the insurer in knowing the risks. An online health insurance premium calculator helps one to get an estimate of the premium amount.

Some people have a misconception that they will not develop any ailment in the future or think it is difficult to get a health insurance plan if there is a family medical history or if they have any illness. On the contrary, getting a health cover is easy nowadays, thanks to various customised and disease-specific plans. Also, there is a waiting period for pre-existing conditions, and one can get coverage for the illness after the waiting period is over. 


Knowing the family medical history gives you an idea to make the right lifestyle choices. At the same time, it also helps you in picking the right health insurance plan, and sum insured. Invest in the best health insurance plan for you and your loved ones. Visit the official website of Care Health Insurance to know more about our health insurance plans. 

Disclaimer: Plan features, benefits, coverage, and underwriting of claims are subject to policy terms and conditions. Please refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.

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