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calendar_monthPublished on 12 Mar, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 28 Nov, 2023
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Cancer is a disease in which the body experiences uncontrolled growth and division of cells. It is spreading at an alarming pace globally. The struggle to recover from this disease is not easy; but, it can be overcome if diagnosed at an early stage. The treatment cost of cancer can prove to be a financial burden on the sufferers and their families. Given the increased risks due to lifestyle factors, it is prudent to invest in a cancer insurance plan early to cover the hefty expenses incurred during the treatment period.
Cancer cases in our country are rising, and the irony is many families struggle to arrange finances as cancer treatments are getting unaffordable. Getting a cancer cover at a young age is a wise decision, which will help beat the financial stress in the face of uncertainties.
Firstly, it is necessary to assess your medical needs, keeping in mind the risk factors like family history, age, etc., that will enable you to make an informed decision. Here are the vital points you must remember while opting for a cancer care insurance cover for your loving one:
Go for a policy that gives you the maximum protection against this critical illness. It is possible to find a cancer cover policy that provides coverage irrespective of the stage or type of cancer.
For instance, cancer mediclaim by Care Health Insurance covers all stages of cancer. It provides coverage for hospitalization expenses, pre-and-post hospitalization medical costs, several day care treatments, and advanced treatment like chemotherapy & radiotherapy.
Since advanced medical care is required for treating cancer, the treatments may cost lakhs. Make sure the health policy you select provides adequate coverage to tackle medical inflation. Opting for a high sum insured helps you access medical treatments & therapies without facing any financial constraint.
Do not let high premium cost impact you when you can secure your health with an affordable cancer care insurance plan. Follow the easy way to select a cancer policy suited to your needs; review the premium of your customised policy using our online health insurance premium calculator.
A waiting period is the time frame that has to be completed before the policy coverage begins. A cancer cover policy has an initial waiting period of 90 days. It means the claim for the medical expenses, except those incurred as a result of an injury, is admissible only after the completion of this duration.
Exclusions are a part of any mediclaim policy and refer to the diseases, conditions, and surgical procedures or medical expenses that are not covered under the health insurance policy; and you cannot file a claim for it. Reviewing the exclusions will help avoid delays or confusion for ensuring a hassle-free claims experience.
Cancer diagnosed at a later stage can not only give jerks to your health but also impact your finances. It makes it even more necessary to buy a health insurance plan to secure against such life-threatening diseases. We provide a cancer plan online. It has various policy benefits, including no claim bonus, annual health check-up, lifelong renewability, and cashless hospitalization across 22900+ healthcare providers.
All you need is to plan your requirements and invest prudently in a health insurance plan that will secure your finances while ensuring your loved ones’ wellbeing.
>>Click Here to Know the Steps to Find Out The Best Health Insurance Plans for Cancer Patients
Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for Cancer is subject to policy terms and conditions. Please read the policy brochure to know more about policy benefits and features.
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