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calendar_monthPublished on 25 Feb, 2020
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Motherhood is bliss and comes with its own share of responsibilities as you move to a new chapter of life. It is very important to ensure that the mother and child can access the best of healthcare and for that, it is a sensible idea to invest in the best health insurance plan for maternity care. Maternity health insurance offers coverage for the mother and the new-born and takes care of several medical expenditures. However, before you go looking for the right coverage for your pregnancy, there are a few things that you need to be aware of:
Maternity coverage may be included in your existing family health plan or you may opt for a separate policy for the same. Most maternity covers that are included in health insurance come with a waiting period that may even go up to 3 to 6 years. On the other hand, if you opt for a separate policy, you may be able to avail a waiting period of as less as 9 months. This makes an individual plan a much better option.
The degree of coverage offered by the maternity plan might vary but the basic coverage remains the same. The plan you choose should offer you the following in terms of coverage:
As mentioned before, some maternity health plans have a long waiting period especially if they are included in your existing health insurance plan. If this is the route you choose, it would be a good idea to invest in the cover as soon as you get married so that the waiting period is over by the time you decide to conceive. However, a smarter way would be to opt for a standalone policy that has a lesser waiting period, ranging from 9 months to 2 years.
Like the inclusions and coverage of a maternity plan, it is equally important to pay attention to the exclusions. While the exact list of exclusions will vary from one plan to the other, some of the most common exclusions are:
The premium you are required to pay for a maternity health insurance plan increases with age. Hence, it is always a good idea to have your insurance policy in place in time.
Care Health Insurance offers JOY - a modern maternity insurance plan with the baby cover that will help you address all your uncertainties about this new chapter in your life. JOY is designed to take care of your maternity health insurance needs not just today but tomorrow as well.
Underwriting of claims for maternity subject to policy terms and conditions.
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