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calendar_monthPublished on 13 Aug, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 9 Dec, 2022
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Coronavirus pandemic is an eye-opener for everybody. Health insurance gained eminence importance during this outbreak. People realized its value and looking for the most suitable health insurance plan. Therefore, intending to eliminate the state of ambiguity and ensure healthcare facilities to all IRDAI has recently introduced the Arogya Sanjeevani Policy. It is a new wave of hopes for the people who want to protect themselves and their families but have lots of other financial responsibilities.
It is the standard health insurance that provides coverage during medical emergencies. Like other health policies, it covers your hospitalization expenses and treatment costs up to the Sum Insured. The claim process, inclusions, exclusions, terms, and conditions of the policy may differ. Arogya Sanjeevani Health Insurance premium is also affordable. So, if you think whether Arogya Sanjeevani Health Policy is enough for your health care needs? Here you can read its benefits and limitations to make your decision:
Arogya Sanjeevani Health Insurance reduces this state of dilemma and gives you a clear picture of basic health coverage. Take a look at what it has stored for you:
>>Clcik Here to Read Major Benefits of Arogya Sanjeevani Policy
Nevertheless, the policy is good for the people looking for basic health insurance coverage at an affordable premium. However, it has below limitations as well:
>>Also Read FAQs About Arogya Sanjeevani Health Insurance Policy
In the clouds of uncertain medical emergencies, Arogya Sanjeevani Policy comes as a ray of sunshine. Offered by Care Health Insurance, it is a health insurance product with maximum benefits at the lower premium. Therefore, it is the best health insurance policy for you if you are a healthy and first-time buyer. You can easily afford it and protect yourself and your family, at least with the necessary coverage. However, if you have elderly parents, a dependent spouse, and children and you are the only bread earner in the family, make little effort. Pick amongst any of our hand-picked health insurance plans and give your family complete protection.
Disclaimer: Plan features, benefits, coverage, and underwriting of claims are subject to policy terms and conditions. Please refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.
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