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calendar_monthPublished on 8 Jun, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 28 Feb, 2024
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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A serious medical condition can result in gradual loss of savings for a family, owing to expensive treatment. A mediclaim policy provides the much-needed financial safety against drastic impact of huge medical expenses.
However, as healthcare costs are rising, it is likely that your existing cover suddenly becomes insufficient to cover your risks. What would you do if hospital expenses exceed the sum insured of your health policy?
Anticipating this situation, you could choose to upgrade your existing policy; but it could lead to high premium cost. So, there is another affordable option - buying a super top up health insurance plan. This plan has numerous benefits and differs from top up plans that cover only a single claim.
This article highlights the need for buying a super top up plan. dbfjh
Before we proceed, let us get the answer to this question - what is top up plan in health insurance?
Top up in health insurance refers to an additional coverage to an existing health policy. That is, it is a policy wherein the insured person is eligible to get increased sum assured at affordable premium.
However, top up health insurance is a type of policy which covers expenses arising from a single hospitalization. On the other hand, super top up plans offer coverage for cumulative hospitalisation expenses in a policy year are taken into account.
These policies work on the principle of deductible which is a pre-decided claim amount that the insured person has to pay before he or she can get coverage.
Super top up health insurance would offer benefits such as in-patient care, day care treatment and cover for pre-hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation medical expenses. Some major advantages of opting for this policy are:
While a top up plan would lapse after one claim is settled; a super top up plan will remain valid till the entire cover is exhausted. Clearly, super top up plans have an edge over regular top up plans because they cover multiple claims.
Before buying super top up health insurance, make sure you remember the below-mentioned facts:
The deductible would apply on aggregate basis in a policy year. It implies that the policy will start offering coverage only when the total amount of all claims made by the policyholder exceeds the deductible.
Avail maximum health coverage by opting for ‘Enhance’ which is a super top up plan by Care Health Insurance.
>> Click to Know Latest Trends in Health Insurance Witnessed in 2020
Disclaimer: Plan features, benefits, coverage, and underwriting of claims are subject to policy terms and conditions. Please refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.
Read more>> Learn about the Top up Plans of Your Health Insurance
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