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calendar_monthPublished on 25 Jul, 2023
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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For a woman, pregnancy is said to be one of the most memorable phases of life. It's not just the physical changes, but the emotional changes that transform her completely. For most women, the moment they start thinking about starting a family, the mental planning begins. While there are numerous things that go into parenting, having the right kind of health insurance is one of the most basic steps that you need to take to secure the future of your family. Investing in the right kind of insurance can help you build a safer and more secure financial tomorrow for yourself as well as your child.
If you are planning to get married soon or are planning to have a baby in the next few years, maternity care costs should surely be one of the things on your mind. In such a scenario, having pregnancy coverage can come in very handy, especially for women.
As the name suggests, pregnancy coverage offers insurance coverage for the expenses that are related to childbirth. As maternity comes with additional expenses, planning your finances beforehand would be the most important step. In this regard the JOY Maternity Plan from Care Health Insurance can be a good choice if you are about the embrace the joy of parenthood.
Before we get into the details of the plan, let us take a quick look at the plan’s highlighting features:
Entry age | Minimum: 18 years; up to 24 years for children Maximum: 65 years |
Pre-policy medical screening | Required only for applicants over 46 years of age |
Pre-existing diseases | Covered after 4 years of policy purchase |
Pre and Post-hospitalisation | 30 days and 60 days |
Free look period | 15 days from the policy purchase |
Ambulance cover | Up to ₹1,000/ claim |
Maternity expenses | For ₹3 lakhs sum insured; covered up to: ₹35,000 For ₹5 lakhs sum insured covered up to: ₹50,000 |
Newborn Baby cover | For ₹3 lakhs sum insured; covered up to: ₹35,000 For ₹5 lakhs sum insured; covered up to: ₹50,000 |
Waiting period (Maternity) | 9 months for Joy Today 24 months for joy Tomorrow |
Understanding the Scope of Coverage under Joy Today and Joy Tomorrow
Let us take a look at the coverage you would receive under Care Joy maternity health insurance plan:
Along with the delivery charges, the policy offers coverage for pre-natal as well as post-natal hospitalisation expenses up to the specified limits.
The plan would offer coverage to the newborn baby from the moment it is born. Your little one would be covered for vaccinations and a lot more.
In case of an emergency hospitalisation, the policy would cover the expenses incurred for:
Under the plan, medical expenses that are incurred up to 30 days immediately before the insured’s admission are covered under pre-hospitalisation. Expenses up to 60 days immediately after discharge are covered under post-hospitalisation.
The following factors make the policy tailor-made for the expecting women:
Having the right pregnancy coverage would help you deal with a lot of things that may happen during not just those 9 months, but beyond. It would bring the much-needed financial stability that you may need as you become a parent.
Maternity costs can be high. Delivery, in-hospital charges, vaccination etc., can eat up your savings in no time. Joy maternity health insurance plan will ensure that childbirth brings you joy and not financial strain.
With a maternity cover like JOY, the expecting mothers can be at peace knowing that all their hospitalisation expenses related to maternity can be covered.
Under the Care Joy plan, normal delivery, as well as c-section procedure, are covered. Apart from this, it also covers your in-patient hospitalisation, pre and post-hospitalisation, and 540-day care procedures, along with a long list of features making it a very comprehensive health insurance plan.
Getting the delivery done in a hospital of your choice can be very soothing experience in the time of need. Apart from this, at a network hospital, we would settle the bills directly with the hospital. Thus, you would be able to concentrate on welcoming the little one rather than managing the bills and paperwork.
Another benefit that you can enjoy with the Joy maternity plan is the tax-saving benefit. Under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, you can claim tax exemptions for the premium that you pay towards the plan.
>> Also Read: How to Claim the Maternity Cover in Health Insurance?
Here are some of the most important details that you need to be aware of when opting for the Care JOY Maternity Plan:
Despite being a comprehensive health insurance plan, the Care Joy maternity plan, just like all other health plans, comes with certain exclusions. The following conditions/ situations would not be covered:
For the complete list of exclusions, please refer to the policy document.
To be able to make a claim, there are different waiting periods that you need to serve:
It is non-deniable that parenthood is expensive. Considering the growing medical inflation, even hospitalisation due to normal delivery in a private hospital can cost you a fortune.
It is normal to worry about your loved ones, especially when you’re about to welcome a new life in this world. Therefore, when the time comes, you wouldn’t want to compromise in any way. With the JOY maternity health insurance plan, you can do better while planning your finances and ensure a bright future for your newborn.
Disclaimer - The above information is for reference purposes only: Policy Assurance and Claims at the underwriter's discretion.
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