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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Motherhood is one of the most important phases of a woman's life. With the anticipated arrival of the newborn(s), a woman not only needs to take special care of herself but also a health insurance plan which is designed to provide maternity benefits. A maternity health insurance plan covers the expenses faced by a woman in her pregnancy.
Times have changed and so have the women. Earlier, the average age of women embracing motherhood was 26 to 27 years but now it can go up to 32 to 33 years and even more. As age increases some women experience complications that can be easily tackled when you have maternity insurance in place.
To make the right choice and get the best care for both mother and baby, here are some facts which you should know: -
Maternity health insurance covers the expenses faced by a woman when she is pregnant. These expenses cover pre-hospitalization (30 days) and post-hospitalization (60 days), delivery expenses, pre- and post-natal expenses, and baby cover.
>>Check: Top 10 Factors to Consider When you Buy Maternity Insurance
Most maternity health insurance plans have a waiting period only after which the insurance comes into effect. The lesser is the waiting period the better. For instance, JOY by CHIL has a waiting period of just 9 months before you can avail of maternity benefits. However, the waiting period differs for other aspects of coverage – it is 2 years for specific illnesses and 4 years for pre-existing illnesses.
Maternity health insurance offered by us provides the convenience of cashless treatment at our 24800+ cashless healthcare providers across India. You do not need to arrange cash to bear maternity expenses.
Thanks to a quick and streamlined online application process, claim settlement for maternity health insurance plans is brisk and well-executed.
Health plans with maternity benefits, like any other health insurance policy, offer tax benefits as per Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
This is an optional cover that you have avail with the payment of an additional premium. In this, if there are no claims during a policy tenure of 3 years, you get a 100% bonus of your sum insured.
JOY by Care Health Insurance will provide the essential coverage, right from covering the hospitalization expenses during pregnancy to the post-hospitalization and delivery period. Competitive in premium and comprehensive in terms of the coverage it provides, JOY keeps you prepared to welcome your new-born without worrying about the healthcare expenses.
Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for Maternity expenses is subject to policy terms and conditions.
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