Care Insurance
  • calendar_monthPublished on 14 Aug, 2020

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It is a harsh fact to accept but true that India has the world’s highest number of diabetic patients. The country has been referred to as the ‘diabetes capital of the world’. The cases are rising with new patients being diagnosed with this medical condition every day. Diabetes in India is a growing health problem that must be tackled, as it can lead to severe health complications. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), there are 463 million people across the world in 2019, in the age group of 20 to 79 years, who suffer from diabetes. India has the second-highest number of diabetes cases, at 77 million, after China, which has 116 million cases. As per a recent report by the IDF, the number of people with diabetes worldwide will reach 700 million by 2045.

Diabetes is a chronic disease wherein the blood glucose levels of a person are higher than the normal range. It may occur due to insufficient production of insulin hormone (in type 1 diabetes) or when the body has a poor response to insulin (in type 2 diabetes). 

Types of Diabetes

Diabetes Mellitus (derived from Greek and Latin words) is a group of metabolic disorders where the body has an excess amount of blood sugar over a long period.  

  • Types 1 Diabetes: It is a result of an autoimmune reaction wherein the immune system attacks and destroys the pancreas responsible for producing insulin. So, the body is unable to produce insulin – the hormone that controls blood sugar level and metabolism. 
  • Types 2 Diabetes: It is a widely prevalent type of diabetes. In this condition, a person has high sugar levels (Hyperglycaemia) as a result of body's inability to respond to insulin effectively. It is called ‘insulin resistance’.
  • Gestational Diabetes: It is a condition of high blood sugar levels among pregnant women. It usually goes away after the pregnancy stage. 

Excessive hunger and thirst, and frequent urination are common among type 1 and type-2 diabetes symptoms. In severe cases, the symptoms may include blurred vision, skin infections, etc.

The Reasons for Rising Cases of Diabetes

Diabetes in India is one of the growing epidemics. Ironically, many people who have diabetes are not even aware of their medical condition. It makes the situation more complicated because uncontrolled diabetes can give rise to other health problems such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, vision problems, etc. Besides the people who are diagnosed with diabetes, many have a condition known as pre-diabetes. Under this condition, the blood sugar levels are not too high to be classified as diabetes, yet they are higher than usual. 

Diabetes occurs due to a combination of several factors, such as family history, environment, and lifestyle. The society has evolved over the years owing to the advent of technology and other conveniences at our behest. Modern lifestyle has given us the comforts which have severely impacted our health. The worst combination of a sedentary lifestyle and excessive consumption of junk foods has mainly led to the increasing cases of type-2 diabetes.

How to Manage Diabetes?

Medical experts say there is no cure for type-1 diabetes. The best way to deal with it is through proper health care, along with lifestyle changes and a healthy diet. Similarly, lifestyle and dietary changes are also recommended for type-2 diabetes treatment. 

A timely diagnosis of the disease is the first step towards a healthy life. If you face risks of diabetes, say, due to family medical history or other reasons, it is advisable to go for regular medical check-ups. A blood test will show the results of your blood sugar levels. If you are diagnosed with diabetes, the doctor would recommend a diet plan and lifestyle changes along with medicines. It is vital to keep track of your sugar levels regularly. You can also keep a glucose monitoring device at home to check your blood sugar. 

Prevention is better than cure. So, here are some vital steps you can follow to prevent the early onset of diabetes or to prevent its complications if you already have diabetes. 

  • Lead an active lifestyle
  • Go for regular exercises like walking
  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Consume a low-sugar, low-fat diet
  • Take medicines regularly 

Here is why Health Insurance is Necessary

From the day a person is diagnosed with diabetes, life is no longer the same. People with diabetes are required to follow a disciplined lifestyle, which is daunting yet necessary. Diet restrictions and timely medical check-ups become an integral part of their life. Managing diabetes involves self-management and a host of lifestyle changes along with proper health care and medications. The treatment for type 2 diabetes or related health problems can be expensive for an average family. In most of the cases, there is a need for lifelong medical care.

Furthermore, the costs of healthcare in India are rising at an alarming pace. Looking at these facts, having a health insurance plan becomes crucial for preventing any possible financial crisis. It keeps a person mentally calm as the burden on savings owing to the high medical expenses significantly reduces. 

Managing diabetes becomes a cakewalk if you have the required financial support. Protect your health and finances by opting for a Diabetes Health Insurance Plan. Visit the official website of Care Health Insurance to choose a customised plan that will cover your medical expenses, including hospital bills as well as pre and post hospitalisation medical expenses. You can also go for cashless treatment at any of the 22900+ cashless healthcare providers in India.

Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for COVID-19 and Diabetes is subject to policy terms and conditions.

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