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calendar_monthPublished on 13 Oct, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 7 Feb, 2024
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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What a million-dollar smile! You feel good when you hear this compliment. Your teeth are the part of your appearance and enhance your confidence. But, are you maintaining proper oral hygiene to keep that smile till you grow old? In India, most of the population, including children, suffer from oral diseases such as dental caries, periodontal diseases, dental fluorosis, loss of teeth, joint disorders, dental trauma, and oral cancer. Dental healthcare is secondary to them.
Moreover, lack of proper dental infrastructure in public hospitals is also a problematic situation for common people. As a result, people have to go to private dentistry where the simple dental procedures become out of pocket expenses. So, as prevention is always better than cure, you can read how you can keep your teeth healthy:
Many people still take dental healthcare for granted until it has become a severe disease. However, it reduces the risk of dental caries, oral cancer, tooth extraction, loose gums, etc. Read below the easy ways to follow dental hygiene at home:
Most people even do not know the right way to brush their teeth. They do it rigorously that damage gums and teeth. Here you can read the proper technique to brush your teeth:
So, maintaining proper oral hygiene will help to control other systemic ailments. Furthermore, one more thing you can do for your healthcare is to opt for health insurance. We, at Care Health Insurance, offer Care- it is a comprehensive health policy that provides dental coverage(subject to policy terms and conditions)along with chronic and critical illnesses. Take a look at the plan and secure yours and your family’s sparkling smile forever.
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Also, please refer to policy terms and conditions carefully to know more about our different plans.
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