Know How Depression Can Be Harmful?


Know How Depression Can Be Harmful?

Depression is a severe mood disorder that may cause a feeling of sadness, trouble, and anger that hinders an individual’s daily activities. It may cause loss of energy, lack of concentration, and changes in sleeping patterns. As per the World Health Organization, one in every five people in the world is affected by some type of mental illness. This is the data of individuals who have spoken about this issue; it can even be more as a lot of people still hesitate to talk about it. Now with the changing time, people have started considering mental illness as a health issue that should be addressed.

Depression is not a phase that can go on its own. It can alter your brain, which is why it needs medical attention. The more severe form of depression is clinical depression. It can affect your body’s functioning, from the heart to the immune system. In this article, we will talk about the symptoms of depression and its harmful effects on the body.

Symptoms of Depression

Depression can cause numerous symptoms, which may affect your mood and other parts of the body. The symptoms of depression may differ for men and women.

Some of the common symptoms of this medical condition are:

  • Sadness
  • Fatigue
  • Disturbance in sleeping pattern
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Changes in appetite
  • Effects on immune system

>> Also Read: How to beat Depression Naturally?

Effects of Depression in The Body

Not only can depression affect your emotions, but it can also harm your body in various ways. It might begin in the brain; but, it can negatively affect your whole body. Hence, it is advisable to take depression seriously.

  • Causes Changes in the Weight: This is one of the most common symptoms of depression. Individuals suffering from depression are likely to overeat or eat very less, which may cause the weight to fluctuate. It can cause pressure in the heart that may lead to various heart disorders.
  • Effects on the Digestive System: The brain plays a vital role in the functioning of the stomach and intestine. Because of this, many people experience diarrhoea when they are stressed. The situation can become worse if an individual is suffering from depression. As per the Harvard Health Publishing, in depression, the brain can send signals to the gut; this can cause an upset stomach.

In 2018, the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India (IRDAI) had made it mandatory for all health insurers to offer health insurance for the treatment of mental illness. It will be helpful for the millions of people who are experiencing depression or some form of mental illness.

In a nutshell

Any form of mental illness should be addressed as it can become severe with time. Considering the increased health risks owing to depression and the high cost of medical treatment in private hospitals, it is advisable to opt for individual health insurance, which will be issued on the basis of teleunderwriting. These plans include coverage involving hospitalization, medication, and doctor’s consultation. Before choosing for medical insurance, make sure to read the policy wording to know the inclusions and exclusions. It is now time to know if anyone in your family or any of your friends has a mental illness. Be ready to listen so that an individual can get help it at the right time.

Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for Mental Illlness is subject to policy terms and conditions.

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