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calendar_monthPublished on 17 Jul, 2023
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Mindful eating becomes challenging in an era where everyone is in haste and grabbing whatever feels easy to eat while on the go. That’s when acid reflux (heartburn) starts to bother you. Acid reflux is caused by stomach acids entering the tube that connects your throat and stomach (Oesophagus). The lower Oesophageal Sphincter (LOS), also known as the ring muscle, keeps the acid and food intact in the stomach. But various factors don’t let the ring close properly, and that’s how acid gets into the tube. However, the oesophagus is incapable of dealing with the acid, and that’s when one starts experiencing spasms. The spasms sometimes give soaring pain that they are mistaken for a heart attack.
As you all know, acid reflux is not a pleasant feeling at all. In this article, let’s learn its causes, symptoms, diet for acid reflux, and how to treat it.
The root causes of acid reflux are mostly dietary habits. If you are aware of what to eat in acidity, you will be able to combat this condition sooner than you know. The following are the most common causes of acid reflux-
Making lifestyle changes and a healthier diet will make a significant difference if you have acid reflux. You can also see an expert and get appropriate medication prescribed to lessen the symptoms.
One can adopt a healthy diet for acid reflux by switching from processed to freshly cooked food and quitting alcohol, smoking and caffeine. A handful of these changes will make a massive difference in your health and help subside the constant pain.
Symptoms may vary from person to person. However, below mentioned are a few common symptoms people usually suffer from during acid reflux-
You might also experience nighttime acid reflux. The symptoms may include-
The good news is that there are plenty of foods for acid reflux. If you want to eliminate acid reflux, start stocking your kitchen with the foods to avoid acid reflux-
Fibre-rich foods are known to be filling that you can’t overeat, which may help prevent acid reflux. Fibre-rich foods include-
Little does everyone know that food has a pH scale indicating its acid levels. Foods with low pH are known to have a low pH that could cause reflux. Foods with higher pH can help reduce stomach acid. Alkaline foods are-
Water-rich foods usually weaken and dilute stomach acid. Eat the following water-rich foods to fight acid reflux-
Following the abovementioned list of foods that help with acid reflux will bring many changes to your everyday life.
Plenty of over-the-counter medications for acid reflux, such as antacids, help balance the stomach acid. Apart from anti-acidic foods, below are the most famous home remedies for acid reflux that are also effective. They include-
If you often wonder, “What to drink for acid reflux? "Cold milk is the answer to this misery. It helps relieve heartburn, but one has to be aware of the milk varieties, as fat in milk can aggravate the condition. Non-fat milk can provide short-term relief and immediate relief to the symptoms. One can also opt for the low-fat curd option, which can soothe the burning sensation and give you a dose of probiotics.
Ginger is known to be one of the most effective aids for its medicinal properties. It's anti-inflammatory and alkaline in nature that helps ease the burning sensation in your digestive tract. So, sip some ginger tea to soothe yourself whenever you get acid reflux.
Although no proven study says apple cider vinegar is effective for acid reflux, many say it helped them during their heartburn. However, you should always dilute it before drinking, as concentrated ACV could irritate your throat. A spoon full of it in one glass of water is advisable.
The most famous panacea for acid reflux is lemon juice. Although lemon is very acidic, a small amount of lemon with honey can have an alkalising effect that balances stomach acid.
>> Also Read: Reduce the Chance of Cancer with Healthy Lifestyle
Patients with frequent acid reflux may be at risk for Barrett's oesophagus, also known as oesophagal intestinal metaplasia. As a result of acid exposure, the typical squamous cell oesophagal epithelium in Barrett's oesophagus is replaced by columnar epithelium containing goblet cells. Early diagnosis is crucial in the therapy and in preventing malignant transformation since Barrett's oesophagal changes may spread proximally from the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) and potentially develop into oesophagal cancer.
If you go through acid reflux now and then and don’t have health insurance, you need to remind yourself that your health is important and nothing can be undone when it comes to health. So, get a health insurance policy from Care Health Insurance post-haste for unforeseen medical emergencies your health condition may surprise you with.
Disclaimer: Plan features, benefits, coverage, and claims underwriting are subject to policy terms and conditions. Kindly refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.
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