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calendar_monthPublished on 2 May, 2024
autorenewUpdated on 2 May, 2024
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nest_clock_farsight_analog3 min Read
Written by Mudit Handa
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Health insurance with ICU coverage plays a crucial role in safeguarding your finances during a medical emergency. An ICU or Intensive Care Unit is a self-contained unit with high-tech medical facilities designed to monitor and provide specialised care to patients suffering from critical illnesses or heart conditions. However, the exorbitant per day ICU charges can drain your finances easily. Usually, most health insurance plans covering ICU charges come with sub-limits applicable to ICU bills for health insurance. Here comes Care Heart Mediclaim to your rescue, which offers higher coverage for ICU charges without sub-limits.
In this blog, we will discuss why ICU coverage is important and how does Care Heart Mediclaim policy for heart patients offer coverage for ICU expenses. Let’s begin!
An ICU, also known as an Intensive Treatment Unit, is a special ward with specialised equipment and staff. It is used for treating life-threatening cases. Patients who have experienced accidents, organ failure, or undergone major surgeries are admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU). Hence, an ICU needs to be kept sterile with air conditioning and air filtration systems running all the time. ICU care involves monitoring heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, temperature and urinary output. Considering the high-tech facilities equipped with ICU, the per day charges are comparatively at the higher side.
In India, ICU charges in a private hospital can go up to ₹ 25000 per day. To meet such kind of high medical expenses, investing in heart mediclaim coverage for ICU expenses is a must. With a mediclaim policy for heart patients, you can stay worry-free about the treatment expenses during a medical emergency.
Care Heart Mediclaim policy is a heart mediclaim designed to cater to the needs of the patients with heart ailments. Its comprehensive coverage includes ICU bills without any sub-limits for a sum insured value of ₹ 10 lakh and above. Simply put, if you choose a sum insured of ₹ 10 lakh or more, there is no limit on per day ICU charges during hospitalisation for in-patient care for the heart conditions covered under the policy. These expenses include charges for ICU bed, critical care nursing support, monitoring devise, ventilator services, round-the-clock monitoring charges, medication costs etc. Usually, health insurance providers put sub-limits on ICU charges. Thankfully, with Care Heart Mediclaim coverage, you can get unlimited coverage for ICU expenses up to the sum insured.
Here are the main reasons why Care Heart Mediclaim can be the ideal choice for the person with a heart condition:
It is important to understand what charges, associated with intensive care, are covered in your plan. ICU charges include charges for equipment, doctor and nursing charges, treatments and medications etc. Care Heart Mediclaim provides comprehensive coverage for ICU bills and covers all ICU expenses. Note that it is important to understand your ICU bill and your policy coverage so that you are aware of what is covered in the policy and what is not.
Most health insurance plans come with sub-limits on ICU coverage, such plans may be affordable but they may increase your out-of-pocket expenses when you need to file a claim. Having adequate insurance coverage is essential as ICU expenses can quickly become overwhelming and lead to financial strain. Thankfully, Care Heart Mediclaim covers ICU bills with no sub-limits for sum insured ranging from 10 lakh to 1cr.
Care Heart mediclaim offers high-sum insured options ranging from INR 10 lakh to 1 cr. This ensures one can avail extensive coverage for ICU expenses up to the sum insured with no sub-limits applied.
The plan comes with multiple unique benefits that are easy to customise. Benefits such as global coverage, annual health check-up, international second opinion, alternative treatment cover, doctor on call, OPD expenses cover, air ambulance etc. can be customised as per the requirements of the insured.
With our robust chain of network hospitals, you can avail cashless hospitalisation facility under Care Heart Mediclaim policy for heart patient. Cashless facility allows you to focus more on the recovery than worrying about arranging for the money as medical bills are directly settled by the insurance company with the hospital authority.
Investing in Care Heart Mediclaim safeguards you against expensive ICU bills, ensuring financial security during a medical emergency. Make sure you understand the inclusions and exclusions of your heart mediclaim coverage and know the policy terms and conditions to avoid claim rejection.
>> Also Read: What are the Benefits of Care Heart Mediclaim?
Disclaimers: All plan features, benefits, coverage, and claims underwriting are subject to policy terms and conditions. Kindly refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.
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