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calendar_monthPublished on 7 Dec, 2023
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Written by Care Health Insurance
Reviewed by Care Health Insurance
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Hormones play a quintessential role in the proper functioning of various body parts. Among the various hormones in the human body, estrogen is famous as an important female hormone that plays a crucial part in smooth functioning of the body. It is essential to understand that both males and females produce both estrogen and testosterone (male hormone). Those identified as male at birth have higher testosterone, and those identified as female have higher estrogen levels.
Estrogen is required by your body for various purposes; reproductive process, bone health, and cardiovascular health. A disruption in the balance of the estrogen level impacts your overall health and may cause health problems. Women sometimes may have a high estrogen level, which is not a good sign. Young women may have a high estrogen level during puberty, and women on birth control pills may also experience high estrogen levels. In females, estrogen and progesterone hormones function together to create a healthy balance.
In this article, we will know why some people may experience high estrogen levels and how it impacts your health.
Sometimes, your body may naturally produce high estrogen levels. However, in some conditions, certain medications may also play a role. It is essential to understand what causes high estrogen levels. Here are the possible high estrogen causes:
Anyone having a high estrogen level may suffer health problems. So, it is essential to understand the symptoms of high estrogen and also get the right treatment for it. Here are the common high estrogen symptoms:
Men may also experience certain health conditions due to an increase in the normal estrogen level. These may include:
A rise in estrogen levels hinders the sexual drive in both males and females. Further, it may also obstruct pregnancy, the menstruation cycle, and overall health. Hence, if you have persistent health issues, you must consult your doctor to know if your estrogen level is high. Once you have known the results, treating the same is another essential step. Your doctor may advise you on your treatment as per your health condition. Here is how to decrease estrogen:
1. Dietary Changes: You may want to know how to lower estrogen levels in females naturally. Weight loss and hormonal balance can be achieved through dietary changes which are very effective in lowering the high estrogen levels. Your doctor may advise certain dietary plans. Here are some of the dietary change and foods that decrease estrogen.
2. Lifestyle Changes: Women suffering from PCOS are highly recommended to change their lifestyle habits and inculcate healthy habits. Your doctor may be able to better prescribe you the changes. These may include:
This is yet another Natural treatment for high estrogen in females. If you do wish to go for high-power medications, following the right lifestyle may make huge changes.
3. Medications: Someone going through hormonal replacement therapy may experience a high level of estrogen. In such a case, the doctor may change the medications or the hormone therapy plan to maintain a healthy estrogen level in the body.
Women suffering from PCOS may be prescribed a few medications to bring a balance of hormones into the body. These may include:
4. Surgery: Usually, doctors do not resort to surgery to reduce the excessive estrogen levels in the body. However, people suffering from certain health conditions or cancer may have to go through surgical menopause. In this surgery, the ovaries are removed. Upon successful surgery, the estrogen level goes down since ovaries produce most of the estrogen in the body.
Maintaining a healthy balance of hormones in the body is important. An increase in one or more hormones can lead to various health complications. In women, high estrogen levels can impact menstruation and pregnancy, apart from weakness and other health issues. So, if you find yourself stuck with any of the symptoms of high estrogen levels, it is best to consult your doctor immediately. Upon certain tests, your doctor will prescribe you the right treatment for high estrogen in females. Make sure to follow the prescription of the doctor to cure the problem soon.
In some cases, the treatment for high estrogen levels may be costly, especially when there is a need for surgery. In such times, when you have a health insurance plan, you need not worry about the healthcare expenses. If you haven't yet purchased a health plan, now is the time to choose the most suitable plan for you. We at Care Health Insurance design our plans keeping your needs and budget in mind. If you want us to help you with the buying process or choosing the right type of plan kindly leave your comments. Our experts will connect you in no time.
We wish you good health!
>> Also Read: What is PCOD Problem in Women?
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All plan features, benefits, coverage, and claims underwriting are subject to policy terms and conditions. Kindly refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.
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