Donating Blood? Here's Everything You Need to Know


Donating Blood? Here's Everything You Need to Know

Blood donation can save lives. We are all aware of it. Several people are reluctant to donate blood because they are unaware of its effects on their bodies. Blood donors, on the other hand, usually reap benefits. However, some people may experience some side effects of blood donation, such as lightheadedness or minor bruising.

Though most donors do not witness any adverse effects from blood donation, blood donation rules in India do. Common side effects of donating blood include nausea, dizziness, and, in some cases, fainting. We got you covered if you are wondering about donating blood but aren't sure how it will affect your body. Read on to know more about how donating blood can affect you.

But first, let's go through some of the advantages of blood donation.

Benefits of Donating Blood

An adult human's weight typically consists of 7-8 per cent blood. An adult's body has a blood volume of between 5 and 6 litres. It is essential for the body's immunological processes and maintaining homeostasis by controlling temperature and pH. A survey conducted in India found that a blood transfusion is needed every two seconds. Donating blood is beneficial for both the recipient and the donor. 

Regular blood donation has numerous advantages:

  • It enhances the donor's mental and physical well-being.
  • Every blood donation undergoes screening, so for the donor, it serves as a thorough health examination.
  • Before donating, donors can find out if they are infected with HIV, Hepatitis B and C, malaria, syphilis, or TTI.
  • A mini health check is known with the pulse, temperature, haemoglobin, blood pressure, etc.
  • Reduce the danger of cardiac disorders.
  • Makes the liver healthier.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Reduces the possibility of iron overload.
  • Reduced cancer risk and blood cell replenishment.

Even though blood donation is beneficial, we can't completely deny some of the disadvantages of donating blood. Know the side effects of blood donation here.

Side Effects of Blood Donation

Adults in good health are safe to donate blood. There is no chance of getting sick. For every donor, brand-new, sterilised equipment is used.

After giving blood, some persons may experience nausea, drowsiness, or dizziness. If it occurs, it should only last for a limited timeframe. You can lay down and put your feet up until you feel better.

Additionally, there may be some bleeding where the needle is inserted. This may typically stop by exerting pressure and elevating your arm for a few minutes. There's a chance you may get a bruise at the puncture site.

Make an appointment after blood donation if:

  • Even after drinking, eating, and sleeping, you continue to feel faint, queasy, or dizzy.
  • You either continue bleeding from the area the needle was inserted or develop a raised lump.
  • You feel numbness, pain or tingling in your arm.

Now after knowing the benefits and side effects, if you think you might want to donate blood, make sure you fit the criteria and are properly prepared.

Blood Donation Requirements 

First, locate a blood bank or blood donation drive and schedule an appointment. Make sure to inquire about any special requirements as per blood donation rules in India for donors and the types of identification required.

You crack the eligibility only if: 

  • You are a minimum of 18 years old and maximum 65 years to donate blood.
  • You must weigh minimum 50 kilograms.
  • In good physical health and feeling healthy
  • The pulse rate has to be between 50 and 100 without any irregularities.
  • A minimum haemoglobin level of 12.5 g/dL is required.
  • Diastolic blood pressure is 50-100 mm Hg, and systolic blood pressure is 100-180 mm Hg.
  • Body temperature should be normal, with an oral temperature no higher than 37.5 degrees Celsius.
  • The interval between subsequent blood donations must be greater than three months.

Here is the catch! One can't donate blood if:

  • Have been tested positive for HIV.
  • Suffering illnesses include heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, epilepsy, kidney problems, and diabetes.
  • Previously suffered from allergies, fits, or TB.
  • Women who are expecting or breastfeeding.
  • Women who recently experienced a miscarriage.
  • People with severe asthma and those with active asthma symptoms.
  • Consumed alcohol within 24 hours.
  • Had a vaccination within the previous month.
  • Got Hepatitis B vaccination or rabies treatment within the last six months.
  • Had a general surgery or major dental procedure within the previous month.
  • Gotten a body piercing or a tattoo in the last six months.

If you are planning to donate blood and you meet all the eligibility criteria, the next target is to be aware of the process. 

Process of Donating Blood

  • If you donate whole blood, an area on your arm is cleaned, and a new sterile needle is inserted for the blood draw.
  • Other donations, like platelet transfusions, are made with the help of an apheresis machine that will be attached to both arms.
  • You will be lying down or comfortably seated for the duration of the 8 to 10 minutes it takes to donate whole blood.
  • The donation is complete when nearly a pint of whole blood is collected, and a staff member will put a bandage on your arm.
  • The apheresis device will collect a small amount of blood, separate the platelets, and then return the remaining blood through the other arm. This procedure will be repeated multiple times over the course of around two hours for platelets.

Even though donating blood is simple, it is important to know how frequently you can donate blood to keep yourself safe.

How Often Can You Donate Blood?

Any individual can donate blood about every three months on average. This restriction differs for other blood components, such as platelets, which can only be donated 24 times a year but once every three days.

>>Know More about: Things to Keep in Mind Before Donating Blood

Summing It Up

When every drop matters, a voluntary donation will help cancer patients, accident victims, and people with serious blood diseases like sickle cell and haemophilia to a great extent. It's important to recognise that blood can't be artificially produced. Therefore, voluntary blood donation is the only way to meet this enormous need. Donating blood can save lives while also providing numerous physical and emotional benefits to the donor. 

Some blood donors may encounter mild adverse effects, such as dizziness, bruises, or light bleeding. Adding more water and eating foods high in iron will help replace lost fluids and iron reserves.

A Piece of Advice:

Avoid intense exercises for a few hours right after the donation and keep the bandage over the puncture site. It will help minimise negative effects and hasten the body's recovery. Individuals should call their doctor or emergency helpline if they have serious symptoms.

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Disclaimer - The above information is for reference purposes only: Policy Assurance and Claims at the underwriter's discretion. 


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