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calendar_monthPublished on 12 Jul, 2024
autorenewUpdated on 15 Jul, 2024
visibility1505 Views
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Written by Mudit Handa
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The overall health of a human being depends highly on their daily water consumption. Water is the main constituent of the human body, making up roughly 70% of its total composition. Any living body primarily depends upon water to perform necessary survival functions. A sudden shortage in the normal range of water in the human body causes dehydration.
Last month, Delhi NCR hospitals witnessed a surge in heat-related illnesses. With temperatures soaring to 44°C, the number of dehydration patients also increased in the hospitals across the city. Noida District Hospital reported over 200 heat exhaustion cases, with at least five suspected heat stroke cases per day in the OPD.
Doctors state that an average individual loses a significant portion of water from the body, as much as five litres in a day. Water is lost through the following body functions every day:
For your body to function properly, you must replenish the water supply by consuming fluids and foods rich in water.
This article will help you understand the Indian population's daily water consumption and the ideal daily water consumption for a person in a day.
Every cell, tissue and organ in your body requires water to function correctly. Water helps in performing the following functions in the human body–
The illustration below shows how much percentage of water is present in different organs of the human body—
According to health experts, an adult body requires 3 to 4 litres of water, equivalent to 6 to 8 glasses daily. Generally, people try to stay hydrated by drinking water and other fluids whenever they are thirsty. However, more than just drinking enough water is required to maintain the body's optimum water level.
Since 70% of our body is water, we must maintain the optimum water level through wise daily water consumption.
Most people carry a water bottle and regularly drink small sips throughout the day. But is this the right way to maintain the optimum water level in the body? Well, certainly not!
According to Sadhguru, a highly experienced, globally renowned yoga expert, adequate body water levels must be maintained by drinking water, and consuming high-water-content foods. He has elaborated on how excess or insufficient water levels can disturb the normal functioning of the human body.
Our body maintains the level of sodium delicately. When we consume excessive water through small sips, our body absorbs more water, thereby dropping sodium levels. More water goes into the bloodstream and circulates into the brain, trying to supply the required sodium to keep the balance. This leads to inflammation (swelling) of the brain, which causes various illnesses, including headaches, mental confusion, and seizures.
On the other hand, if a person drinks less than the required average daily amount of water, it can seriously damage normal body function and cause heart attacks. This is because damage to the heart occurs when the necessary amount of water is not present in the body, disturbing normal blood circulation.
Studies have shown that adequate water consumption has led to a decrease in heart related health problems.
>> Also Read: Want to Stay Healthy? Read Benefits of Drinking Water Empty Stomach
You can easily monitor your total water intake based on several factors:
Health experts say that whatever food you consume must contain at least the level of percentage of water in your body, i.e. 70%.
Here are two necessary foods that contain enough water content–
Hence, you should consume sufficient fruits and vegetables to maintain an adequate water level.
Further, you must drink water whenever you are thirsty because that’s how the body signals that you need water. It's important to note that you should drink water within 20 to 30 minutes when you feel thirsty.
This is how you can easily retain the water loss from your body.
Besides maintaining an adequate water level, you need to plan more for your health.
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