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calendar_monthPublished on 22 Jun, 2020
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Ageing is a reality of life. As we grow older, we become wiser. While it is true, we also come to terms with the fact that ageing increases the risk of illnesses. Financial security is a concern for the elderly due to lack of income sources after retirement. Thus, health insurance becomes a vital investment need for managing the rise in medical expenditures and treatment costs. It is advisable if you get it early in life because medical insurance premium increases with age.
If you are concerned about your ageing parents’ well-being, get a health cover now. Also, opt for personal health insurance to secure your health, as it will be much more affordable when you are young. Among the many factors affecting medical insurance premium rates, the age of insured is a crucial one.
The health insurance premium that you pay when you opt for a policy is an amount that is determined after assessing various factors, like your lifestyle, medical history, and others. More importantly, age is taken into account and that of the eldest member in a family floater plan.
Let us understand how age affects the premium you pay for a policy term.
Getting an affordable policy is possible if you carefully assess and compare the various options available to you. You can use a premium calculator to calculate medical insurance premium rates and make an informed decision. Care Health Insurance offers comprehensive health plans that you can customize as per your insurance needs. You can get maximum coverage at an affordable premium. Visit the company’s official website and get medical insurance cover that suits you best.
Opting for a health insurance plan at a younger age is not less than a blessing. Buying early also helps you in your financial planning and lessens your dependence on savings. Hence, it is a sensible thought to opt for a health cover that can give you a sense of security, both financially and mentally. It is also applicable if you are thinking of buying a health insurance policy for your parents. Opt for a health insurance cover before they get to the age of 60, as the premium payment is higher for senior citizens.
>>Read: Tips to Reduce Your Health Insurance Premium
It is possible to lower the impact of high health insurance premium costs despite the age factor. An affordable way to boost your health coverage is to choose super top-up plans. You can also look for family discount options.
Medical exigencies are unplanned and can put a dent on your savings. To get uninterrupted coverage, pay your health insurance premium on time to avail of its benefits.
Disclaimer: Plan features, benefits, coverage, and underwriting of claims are subject to policy terms and conditions. Please refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.
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